
Showing posts from January, 2023

The MTC Experince -The First Week

Elder and Sister Pettingill, Elder and Sister Quirk, Elder and Sister Prater, Elder and Sister Robison, Anna Christensen  Have you ever wondered what it will be like to live with a Zion people? Well living in the MTC (missionary training center) feels like that. Everyone we met is committed to giving their all to serve the Lord for the next few months of their lives. We have heard so many incredible stories of sacrifices and miracles. This truly is the best place to be buoyed up before going into the world to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.   All senior missionaries no matter what their mission assignment spend a week of Preach My Gospel training. They may also spend a second week in the MTC receiving specialized training for their specific assignments. Therefore during our first week we spent time in devotionals and in a class room setting learning more about how to teach the basic gospel principals found in the Preach My Gospel manual.   On our first full day of training we wer

Called to Serve

  On November 22, 2022, my husband, Joe and I received the following text-  We had been expecting this text for a couple of weeks, but our hope of receiving a text like this began years ago. In December of 2019 my father passed away, as much as we loved him and would miss him, we knew that being around for him was the last roadblock that we had to serving another mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.   So we began to look at missionary opportunities.  Before we could express interest in any of these opportunities, I was called to be Relief Society President and my husband was called to serve in the Elder's Quorum Presidency.  Therefore we put our plans on hold during which time we served during the world wide Covid Pandemic. In the spring of 2022, we started to feel like it might be time to start thinking about a mission again.  We decided we would start preparing but wait til the end of summer to talk to anyone of our desire.  We started filling out the miss