Last Week Of 2023

The last day of 2023, after attending our sacrament meeting, we attend visited the Young Single Adult Ward and shared our knowledge of family history during the second hour of church. And where there are young adults, there always seem to be food. Our week started out on Christmas day which we spent with our children. We enjoyed stealing white elephant gifts from each other, eating delicious food and Face timing with the family members who couldn't join us in person. So much to be grateful for. After everyone went home, we went back to missionary work and had some pretty busy days. Our evening meal one night was at our favorite taco place. A couple that came out two weeks before us is going home next week. They taught us pickleball and all things missionary: they are our mentors and we just love them. So we had celebrated them on Saturday with a tri-tip dinner at our apartment complex with two other senior couples. ...