
A highlight of our week was to go whale watching with my brother, Dard, who is visiting Newport Beach for the week. As I was thinking about how wonderful it was to be back in the Newport Harbor where I spent endless hours of my childhood, I mentioned to my brother how I never imagined that this would be where I would serve a mission. His reply was that he was glad because other wise we would never see each other. He lives in Utah and can't really travel to South Carolina. Over and over again I am reminded of just how much Heavenly Father loves us and wants to bless us. As we were watching dolphins, pelicans, seagulls and seals feeding on small fish, our boat nature guide explained how seagulls can not plunge dive into the water to catch fish. They can only grab fish that are on the surface of the water. If you are like me, many times have I been on the beach and watched seagulls steal food from beach bags. I have had a prejudice agai...