Family Home Evening And An Outing For Us Seniors

Elder Prater, Brother and Sister Wiley and Brother Cogswell Every third Monday, some members of the Double Peak ward gather together at a member's home and study Come Follow Me for Family Home Evening. This was our second time attending and both times it was held in the clubhouse of a mobile home park. We were in charge this week, I sent out text reminders and organized the food, and Elder Prater lead the discussion. We had a good group of 18 members up from our group of about 10 people last month. The food was good, we met some new friends and the spirit was present. A well spent Monday evening. We don't usually plan too much on Tuesdays because we have district meeting in the mornings with the young missionaries and than in the afternoons we work in the FamilySearch Center. Sometimes we are able to catch a member at home and have a visit after our shift. This week, we visited our friend, Cal. He is eighty-something years old...