It's Already Been 3 Months? Good Thing We Extended.

We had a super busy week. On the weekend, we had our daughter's and son's families come visit to celebrate our granddaughter's sixth birthday. What a tender mercy of the Lord that we are serving in an area that allows us to spend time with family. On Sunday, we talked in church. We meet some more members this week in their homes, gave a Family Home Evening lesson, did some service, worked in the FamilySearch Center and took some members to the San Diego Temple. It was a very full, very rewarding week. One member that we visited, doesn't attend church any more but was very sweet and welcoming. They have vineyards that surround their home and we have been invited back in the fall to help harvest their grapes. The unusual thing is that their home is in a pretty regular neighborhood so seeing all the grapevines in the yard was surprising. District meeting with the young missionaries was always was very uplifting. I am always amaze...