Elder Wetsel and Elder Houser
Pictured here are the two Elders serving with us in the Double Peaks Ward, Elder Wetsel from Idaho and Elder Houser from Pennsylvania. These two elders work so hard! When you are talking to them about school or their interests or life back home, you don't really get a sense of who they really are. But when you work side by side with them, see how hard they try, hear them teach and testify of our Savior- WOW- you can see how amazing they are.
This week during our district meeting, we got to hear testimony from each missionary of why they are here on a mission and what they have learned. The spirit was so strong that I hated that the meeting had to end. It is such a privilege to be a witness to the growth of these missionaries and one of the reasons that we love being on a mission.

Elder Folsom, Elder Workman, Elder Wetsel, Elder Houser, Sister Gunnell, Sister Christensen, Elder and Sister Prater.
This is our district with some old familiar faces and some new faces. We love them all.
Because we were exposed to Covid, we laid low for a few days but once we were back in action we went full swing! I usually mention that we go on visits to members, both active and less active but I don't usually talk in detail about these visits to protect their privacy. We have loved getting to know so many people and to hear about their lives. We especially love when like Alma in the Book of Mormon, we learn that these members are still our brothers and sisters in the Lord and that adds to our joy.
Often times we experience miracles during our visits that one might call coincidences but I know God is in the little details. This week we went to visit a sister that we were very interested in meeting. We rang the doorbell, the sister opened the door and stepped out. She was surprised to see us and said she was just on her way out and her doorbell doesn't work. She had opened the door to leave and there we were! She was leaving to go out of town for at least a couple of weeks maybe longer but definitely wanted contact with us. Timing is everything!
Our trusty gps gets us where we need to go. We are pretty happy that we can now get to the church, grocery store and beach without using it! Elder Prater is excited to go on visits in this picture.
This is a nice view of some of our area. With all the rain that we have had everything is green and flowers are blooming everywhere.
We are now working in the Family Search Center twice a week as they are finally opening more after Covid.
It was nice to be back at the San Diego Temple after it was closed for two weeks for cleaning. It is such a blessing to have a temple so close by.
And finally, our Mexican food for the week.......got to try them all. It was a good week and it feels good to be out working. God is real, Jesus Christ is our Savior, he loves us and because of him, we will live again! This is our message to the people of the Newport Beach California mission!
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