Fun Week of Service and Weekend of Family Visitors

This week we were given many service opportunities.  We learn from King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.  We love serving!

Elder Prater was able to participate in giving a blessing of healing to a very sweet sister.  The Lord reminded this sister that she has suffered her many illnesses so that others could benefit from what the doctors have learned from studying her.  She is very loved by our Father in Heaven. 

We were able to help a sister who recently had eye surgery, take a another member to a dentist appointment in San Diego, and help a sister pack to move.  As usual we spent time working in the FamilySearch Center.  All very rewarding opportunities. 

We also met several more members this week during our visits.  

Sometimes we like to drive by the beach and smell the fresh ocean air.  All over the beach this week were Blue, jellyfish-like blobs known as by-the-wind sailors, or Velella velella,. They continue to be washed ashore by the millions along Southern California’s coast this week They wash up in large numbers because they’re drifting in the wind and go wherever it takes them. 

We always love our weekly picture with our missionaries 

We finished the week days off with attending the temple with a couple of ward members.  

On the weekend we were blessed to have our daughter and her family come visit again. We attended an Angel's baseball game together.  Our son also had a work layover in San Diego and visited for a few hours.  We enjoyed our family time.  

It was a good week. 

Almost forgot to post our Mexican food for the week...


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