Rough Week- My Brother Passed Away Unexpectedly

 What does one write in a blog the week that a loved one passes away?  You testify of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Nephi said as he begin his record in the Book Of Mormon that he has seen many afflictions in the course of his life but nevertheless he was highly favored of the Lord.  That perfectly describes my week.   My brother, who is my husband's age, suffered a massive heart attack on Tuesday and after paramedic's and doctor's attempts to save his life, he passed away on Wednesday morning. That is an affliction in the course of my life.  

We got the news that my brother, Glenn was being taken to the hospital and that it sounded serious around 7 p.m. on Tuesday night, August 29.  We then kept receiving update texts til about 10:30 that night as we understood that he was stable and fighting.  Of course I couldn't sleep and about 1 a.m. as I sat on the couch I wondered why I hadn't just gotten into the car as soon as I heard the news and head up to Camarillo where Glenn lives.  It was only a couple of hours drive from us.  At that thought I had the comforting reassurance of the spirit that my deceased parents were ministering to him.  That was me being highly favored of the Lord. 

About 6 am on Wednesday morning, my husband was sitting on the couch praying to know if he would need to give Glenn a blessing, and if so what would he say? As soon as he finished his prayer my phone rang and it was Glenn's wife, Jean.  She said she couldn't get ahold of my oldest brother, Brian that she had been sending updates to all night.  She wondered if it would cause a problem among the siblings if I were to speak in everyone's behalf and talk to Glenn.  She said it would be impossible for her  to call each sibling (there are seven of us).  Not understanding at first, I told my brother that I loved him and that my husband and I would be leaving soon to come to see him.  Jean stopped me to say "he won't be here, you are saying good-bye for the family" 😟  As I babbled through some words of love and hopefully comfort, I felt God's love for my brother.  Fortunately  after about three minutes of me talking, my brother, Brian called Jean back, and I hung up so he could say good-bye.  Another tender mercy of being highly favored of the Lord, my husband had the answer to his prayer, I had the Holy Ghost comfort me and guide me in my good-bye.

Most of my 7 siblings have lived in California for most or part of their adult life.  In the past few years 5 siblings moved to Utah, I moved to South Carolina, leaving Glenn and my oldest sister, Annette the last in California.  Annette is basically home bound.  After getting off the phone, we prepared right away and headed up to Camarillo.  There is no doubt in my mind that God placed us in California on a mission at this exact time for this exact occasion. We were the only family members close enough to be by Jean's side soon.  Highly favored of the Lord. 

I wasn't sure as we headed to Camarillo, what we would be able to do to help the situation. Halfway up   to Camarillo, we got the news that indeed Glenn had passed away.  We went as Nephi, being led by the Spirit, not knowing before hand the things we should do. In the next couple of days we were able to get Jean some food, cry with her, laugh with her, go to the funeral home and be a support as plans were made for Glenn's memorial, pick up his van from where he had left it and just be with Jean. Being with Jean and being able to do things constructive was so soothing.  Highly favored of the Lord. 

We headed back home at the end of the week as the his funeral will be held later in the month.  As we did so, I reflected on the fact that Joe and I have been serving as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for eight months now.  For eight months we had been talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ.  Our understanding and knowledge of the Atonement of Jesus Christ has increased in that time.  My spiritual foundation is strong and I was ready for this affliction being highly favored of the Lord. 

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

This week the Lord knew how to succor me.  Through I had seen many afflictions in the course of my life I have been highly favored of the Lord.  I know that Jesus Christ lives, he is my Savior and he is your Savior.  I will see my big brother, Glenn again.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



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