Another Two Week Catch Up

We spent the last two weeks getting our apartment inspections done for the transfer.  The competition is fierce again.  Next week at district meeting we will be announcing the winner of the shiniest apartment award.   

Elder Prater, Elder Ellis, and Elder Shepherd during inspections

I sneaked a couple of pictures of Elder Prater in action during a lesson and at the Family Search Center. 

We enjoy seeing the younger missionaries practise teaching the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ at district meeting.  We love and respect these missionaries.  
Even though our days are filled with service, housing and apartment needs, temple visits, family history work and missionary meetings- we still are able to make time for visits from family and friends.  I suspect the last three months of our mission will fly by as each day seemed to fill up fast with commitments. 

Elder Prater and my brother, Dard

Nancy and Dave Sanchez 


Our son, Tyler 

I wanted to include some pictures of the lobby of our 55+ apartment complex.  It was updated and remodeled when we first moved in last summer and is very lovely.  

We attended Stake Conference this weekend for the San Marcos Stake and was very uplifted by all the speakers.  Today I sat by a sister from our ward and as we chatted before the meeting began she mentioned one phrase that keeps her spunky and happy.  "I woke you up for a reason- Love God". She said that every day when she wakes up and thinks of that she realized that she is alive and God wants her to do something that day.  That is a great way to start your day!


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