So Many People To Love
The good and bad of serving a mission is that you meet and love so many people. The good is that you come to love them and the bad is that you know you will have to say good bye to them at some point.
This week we said good bye to a lovely lady who we have served with in the Family Search Center. We have enjoyed getting to know her these last few months. She is not a member of our church but loves family history and was willing to work in the center to help others. We will miss seeing her every week.
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Carolyn Jorgensen, Gillese Embry (she is taking a break from working in the center) Myself and Elder Prater |
I know in the coming weeks we are going to have to say good bye to many more that we have come to love, including some young missionaries this week because it is transfers.
We had the opportunity to feed a companionship of three sister missionaries this week. When they found out Elder Prater likes to BBQ they asked if they could have some of his BBQ before Sister Thomas goes home at the end of this transfer and we were happy to oblige them and serve them some tri-tip.
Sister Wright, Sister Perez and Sister Thomas
I did not get very many pictures this week but know it was a good and busy week. We did take a drive down to Oceanside to see the sea lions yesterday.
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