
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Good Week Includes Service, Family and Temple Attendance

  We had the opportunity to attend the San Diego Temple twice this week.  One evening, we took a brother in our ward and we performed some temple sealings for some of his family members.  Another day we took a sister in our ward and her adult son to perform baptisms for her mother and deceased brother.  Both were wonderful, uplifting, memorable days.  After the baptisms, we stopped and enjoyed lunch at a Chinese restaurant.  You just can't beat a day like that! A very happy Jay enjoying his orange chicken One of the service opportunities that we had this week was to help a sister unpack some of her boxes as she had recently moved into an assisted living facility.  This sister had traveled all over the world, was married to an artist and had many interesting stories to share with us.  As a Thank you for helping her, she invited us to join her for lunch at the home.  We actually really enjoyed this, the food wasn't bad and she introduced us to many of the residents.  The one unpl

I Think We Are Having Too Much Fun

 "Adam fell that men might be, men are that they might have joy."  2 Nephi 2:25 This week we felt much joy as we started the week out with an Adult Family Home Evening, ended it with a couple of baptisms and enjoyed the company of loved ones in between.  We had our monthly Adult Family Home Evening, instead of having a lesson we played some getting to know you games. In one game, everyone had the name of a famous person pinned on their back and they had to ask questions to figure out whose name it was.  The second games was two truths and and lie, and everyone tried to guess what your lie was.  This worked out perfectly because we brought a sister who moved into the ward during Covid and didn't know anyone so she was able to make some new friends.                                                        Brother Chalker and Bro. Cogswell  On Tuesday, we had a full day planned but one by one all our plans canceled.  This actually worked out well for us because Gabby Wilson, a

Elder Blaney and Elder Peck Know That God Loves Them

Time is flying by! This week we pretty much just had time to do service and inspect apartments.  We really enjoy doing apartment inspections because it is a time to connect with our younger missionaries.  We have nine apartment to inspect every six weeks.  I usually like to take a treat and share a short spiritual message.  Elder Prater mostly does the inspecting!   While inspecting Elder Blaney's and Elder Peck's apartment they both shared that they feel God's love for them daily.  Some days are harder than others.  Elder Blaney showed me two dinosaurs he had in his apartment.  (They are on bikes and don't have a car)  He said that it is his favorite dinosaur and one hard day he found them on the street and it instantly lifted his spirit.  He feels it was one way that God let him know that he was aware of him. Elder Blaney    Elder Peck than showed me his collection of coins.  He said his family has a tradition that if you found a coin than it was a deceased relative l

Fun Week of Service and Weekend of Family Visitors

This week we were given many service opportunities.  We learn from King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon that  when ye are in the  service  of your  fellow  beings  ye are only in the service of your God.  We love serving! Elder Prater was able to  participate in giving a blessing of healing to a very sweet sister.  The Lord reminded this sister that she has suffered her many illnesses so that others could benefit from what the doctors have learned from studying her.  She is very loved by our Father in Heaven.  We were able to help a sister who recently had eye surgery, take a another member to a dentist appointment in San Diego, and help a sister pack to move.  As usual we spent time working in the FamilySearch Center.  All very rewarding opportunities.  We also met several more members this week during our visits.   Sometimes we like to drive by the beach and smell the fresh ocean air.  All over the beach this week were  Blue, jellyfish-like blobs known as by-the-wind sailors, or Velel