Jesus Others You = JOY

This week in our district meeting, our district leader, Elder Barfuss, was talking about enduring to the end. He called it enjoying to the end. Pres. Nelson has taught us that the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. So we can enjoy to the end if our focus is on our Savior and we are letting God prevail in our lives. During our last Stake Conference, our Stake President, Pres. McMasters, taught us that Joy comes from focusing first on Jesus, Others and than ourselves. A very good recipe for learning how to enjoy to the end. Some ways that we were able to enjoy this week including playing pickle ball with three other senior missionary couples, including a new couple from St. George, Utah, the Spencers. It was a blast. Elder and Sister King, Elder and Sister Spencer, Elder and Sister Fowers, myself and Elder Prater We love our young missiona...